2012-04-28 15:42 - Making

Here's the result of another side project of mine. Among the rest of the small parts, I picked up a barrel connector of the right (tiny!) size to plug into my new Bluetooth headphones set. I've crammed 3 diodes inside the connector's body. This is to leverage the forward voltage drop ( http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/components/diode.htm ) that diodes have, to drop 5v (USB) to 3v (what this set wants, to charge) or so.

At the bottom of this picture is the center terminal, soldered straight to the first of three diodes that go out, back, and out again, where you can barely see the red positive wire soldered in. The black ground wire snakes past all that, including the tiny bits of shrink tubing to avoid shorts, to the outer terminal across the top.

The plastic housing does screw on, barely, so it all fits. Now I'm just trying to figure out a way to get some hot glue in between the main USB cable and the flex guard of the housing, to keep pull strain from hitting the tiny wires/diodes inside directly.


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