Geeetech G2S Pro Power Supply Cover

2017-01-16 17:12 - Making

The cover which I designed and printed for the power supply for my 3D printer.

Back in October I finally decided to get a 3D printer. I got a low cost kit, and one of the glaring issues is the power supply. As shipped, there were loose wires between the plug, the switch, and the supply. No bare conductors, but still not awesome. The switch would just flap in the breeze. I saw some similar designs already made online but none of them really satisfied me. I decided to design my own. It took some time before I could successfully print it, but it's finally done, much safer now not to mention easier to use!

I've shared the design files on Thingiverse. The set of hexagon holes were designed partially to save material, but mostly to try to reduce curling. They weren't sufficient, which is why I only now finally got it printed successfully. I had to get my bed leveled very well plus use a brim, to get this successful print in ABS. The PEI print surface was probably also required; it helped at least.


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